Duo show [muffled music playing in the background] with Hanan and Saara Mahbouba, Titanik Galleria, Turku
17.3 - 16.4.2023
Duo show [muffled music playing in the background] with Hanan and Saara Mahbouba, Titanik Galleria, Turku
17.3 - 16.4.2023

[muffled music playing in the background]
I keep on getting stuck because I cannot visualize distance.
I don’t know how it looks.
Something has passed by, but we encounter only what was left behind.
We revise and recreate memories, relying on the fragmented information that has been carried over.
There are too many faces, too many moods, and temporary situations to fit into one frame.
How do we formulate ourselves when the pieces are scattered?
I keep on getting stuck because I cannot visualize distance.
I don’t know how it looks.
Something has passed by, but we encounter only what was left behind.
We revise and recreate memories, relying on the fragmented information that has been carried over.
There are too many faces, too many moods, and temporary situations to fit into one frame.
How do we formulate ourselves when the pieces are scattered?
Pictures (1,2,5) by Jesper Dolgov
Pictures (3,4) by Ignata Elana